Introduction to the scope of the ICT4Green blog

The ICT4Green blog (spell it “ICT for Green” ) is going to contain my view and research, and those of some of my friends, about the role of Information and Communication Technology for helping in achieving sustainability as originally stated by Brundtland Commission of the United Nations, and later extended from a triple bottom line (also known as “people”, “planet”, “profit”) to include environment, ethic/society, economy and technology/culture in its scope.

“sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

I’ll focus not only on ICT direct impact on Climate change (2% of GHG according to Gartner estimate) since I agree with SMART 2020 report from GeSI and The Climate Group, with the help of McKinsey, about the greater opportunity of ICT in helping other sectors (i.e. building, logistic, power distribution, etc.) to reduce their environmental impact.

“ICT is a key sector in the fight against climate change and could enable emissions reductions of 7.8 Gt CO2e in 2020, or 15% of business as usual emissions. But it must keep its own growing footprint in check and overcome a number of hurdles if it expects to deliver on this potential.”

I think that sustainability can help to build a better answer to the downturn of the economy by  achieving a new renaissance (“Medici’s effect”) including art and culture as integrated components of the web 2.0 technology and social networks in its scope.

There are many interesting reports, connected to the SMART2020 approach, from NGO, Universities, politics and advisors that I plan to refer in the following posts, as an introduction to a broader presentation of interesting examples and to an interactive discussion that it’s open to your contribution!  J

One response to “Introduction to the scope of the ICT4Green blog

  1. Hi, I’m testing the port of my blog to WordPress.

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